
M.S. Chemistry - Academic Policies

Money Matters

Fee waivers

Do I get a waiver? Yes if:
  • You just arrived and were promised one
  • You had one last semester and are in good academic standing (GPA > 3.0)
  • You did not have one last semester because your GPA was low, but are now good academic standing (GPA > 3.0)
  • You are working as a TA for the department

Teaching Assistantships

You may not be a teaching assistant if:
  • He/She chooses to
  • He/She just arrived and has no SSN
  • He/She just arrived and has no training in the department (MLP course)
  • He/She is not in good academic standing (GPA < 3.0)

Graduate Assistantships

  • Assistantships may be offered to students doing thesis research

General Information

Core Courses-CHEM 5310, 5330, 5350, 5370 (analytical, inorganic, organic and physical)

  • All full time graduate students must enroll for in at least one of the core courses when offered until all are satisfactorily completed.
  • Full time graduate students may not drop a core course except under extraordinary circumstances and with the approval of the chemistry graduate faculty.
  • Satisfactory completion is defined as “a grade point average of “B” (3.0) in these courses” (see page 51 of the Graduate Catalog). Grades of C, D or F are not acceptable.

Chemical Communications (Literature, Seminar & Writing)

All full time graduate students must enroll for this class during the second year of residency.

Chemistry Capstone Project

All non-thesis graduate students must enroll for this class during their last term of residency. A grade of Satisfactory must be achieved to graduate.

Departmental Seminars

All full time graduate students are required to attend all announced department seminars, including thesis defenses.

Academic Standards

Graduate students must maintain a “B” average (3.0) on all graduate courses and a “B” average (3.0) on the core courses. Students falling below these stands will be placed on probation, and may be withdrawn from the program by the chemistry graduate faculty.

Thesis Advisor

New graduate students may not select a research and thesis advisor or begin research until they have satisfactorily completed one semester of course work. Commencement of selection of an advisor must be done at the end of the first semester in residence with all active graduate faculty before selection.
  • Look at each faculty member's webpage/website
  • Talk to other students
  • Discuss with at least three faculty that interest you (a form must be filled, which can be found on the web, signed by each faculty member you talked to and given to the graduate advisor when your selection has been made)

Admission to Candidacy

Graduate students must apply to the Department Chairman for Admission to Candidacy (G-2 form, found on the web) to the M.S. degree when half (12 to 15 semester hours) of the required course work is successfully completed. Nine (9) semester hours (including thesis) must be completed after the student is admitted to Candidacy.


News and important information are announced using:
  • Bulletin board(s)
  • Lamar Email ONLY


ENGLISH is the language of communication within the University. Use English for any and all discussions while on Campus.

First Year Chemistry Graduate Students

Class Registration

Discussed at Departmental Orientation

For international students, every Semester, an insurance “Hold” restricts your ability to register for classes. You must pay this health insurance (at the Wimberley Building) at the beginning of each semester.

All non chemistry courses must be approved by the department graduate advisor. Do NOT register yourselves without prior advising

Please check your status!!!

Thesis Advisor Selection

See general information
  Selection should be done by the end of the first semester
  Selection implies dedication to the research project
  Typical expectations:
  • 40 hours/week of research does not include course work, TA etc.
  • Duration: not less than 12 months
  • 2 months for writing the thesis
  • Strongly dependent on RESULTS

Second Year Chemistry Graduate Students

Graduate Thesis Committee Selection

  • Discuss this with your research advisor immediately!
  • Three members including your research advisor
  • Only one member can be outside the chemistry department of Lamar U.

Admission to Candidacy

  • Need to fill out G-2 and G-3 forms (includes thesis committee acceptance)
  • Add your email address
  • Place in the departmental box (in copier room)
  • Confirmation of acceptance will be sent by email.

Concentrate on the Important Things in Life

  • Research, Research, RESEARCH!
  • CHEM 5391 must be taken for each semester only research is done
  • CHEM 5391 must also be taken the semester you graduate

Required Steps for Thesis Submission and Thesis Defense

  • Your advisor must approve the completed full first draft of your thesis.
  • Three copies of this version should then be submitted to the Chemistry Graduate Advisor. These will be distributed to the members of the committee evaluating the thesis.
  • A delay of at least two weeks is required between submission to the Chemistry Graduate Advisor and the date the thesis defense may be scheduled
  • Any required corrections to the thesis MUST be performed.
  • Final version must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies BEFORE the final submission date (usually about 2 weeks before the end of each semester).
  • To graduate a given semester, a student must therefore submit his thesis to the thesis committee at least one month before the end of the semester.