
BS Mathematics - Applied Mathematics

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Mathematics
Concentration: Applied Mathematics

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Required Courses for Major

Of the below, 6 hours may be counted toward the Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum

MATH 2413 - Calculus I

MATH 2414 - Calculus II

MATH 3322 - Introduction to Advanced Mathematics

MATH 3328 - Linear Algebra I

MATH 3435 - Calculus III

MATH 3350 - Abstract Algebra I

MATH 3370 - Introduction to the Thoery of Statistical Inference

MATH 3380 - Analysis I

MATH 4131 - Research Seminar

Elective Courses

9 hours MATH from applied areas (3000-4000 level)

9 hours MATH from applied or statistics area or 4310 or 4330

2 hours general electives


COSC 3 hours

C or better in all MATH courses


21 hours: of which 12 must be at the advanced level
