
BBA Human Resource Management

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration
Major: Human Resource Management
Concentration: None

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

COMM 3340

MATH 1314

MATH 1325

Required Courses for Major

ACCT 2301

ACCT 2302

BCOM 3350

BUAL 3310

BUAL 3320

BULW 1370

BULW 3310

BULW 3320

ECON 2301

ECON 2302

ECON 3340/3390

FINC 3310

MGMT 3310

MGMT 3320

MGMT 3330

MGMT 4320

MGMT 4330

MGMT 4340

MGMT 4350

MGMT 4370

MISY 1373

MISY 3310/4360

MKTG 3310

PSYC 3340/3360

Elective Courses

3 hours


