
BS Interdisciplinary Early Childhood - 12 Special Education

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Concentration: EC-12 Special Education

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Special requirements within the core:

BIOL 1408

COMM 1315

MATH 1350

PHYS 1405

PSYC 2301 or SOCI 1301

THEA 1310

Required Courses for Major

CHEM 2411

ENGL 4305*

GEOL 2377

MATH 3312

MATH 3313

PEDG 2310

PEDG 2342

PEDG 3310*

PEDG 3320*

PEDG 3350*

PEDG 3351*

PEDG 4340*

PEDG 4350*

PEDG 4650*

READ 3326*

READ 3393*

SOCI 3301*

SPED 3305*

SPED 3372*

SPED 4307*

SPED 4308*

SPED 4309*

SPED 4311*

Elective Courses


*Must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program before enrolling.

Students graduating and certifying with this plan must meet ALL degree requirements and pass the TExES tests to become certified.

