
May 13, 2019

Monday, 05/13/2019
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Judy Smith

Committee Minutes 5-13-19
Wayne A. Reaud Building Room 202                   

Attending: Michael Saar, Library Services; Judy Smith, Nursing; Janes Armacost, Biology; Barbara Hernandez, Health and Kinesiology; Garrick Harden, Faculty Senate Representative; Serdar Ilban, Fine Arts and Communication;  Kami Makki, Arts and Sciences rep; Millicent Musyoka, Fine Arts and Communications; Zanthia Smith, DSDE; Liv Hasselbach, Engineering; Qin Qian, Engineering;
Via Proxy: Alberto Marquez, Engineering; Mamta Singh, Education and Human Development;
Absent: Stefan Andrei, CID representative; Ken Aung, Engineering; Larry Osborne, College of Arts & Sciences; Edward Doan, SGA representative; John McCollough, Business;  
Ex-Officio: Joe Nordgren, Acting Associate Provost; Theresa Hefner-Babb, Exec. Dir. OPA; Aida Lasher, Temporary Academic Affairs Associate, Craig Escamilla, Acting Exec Dir Student Achievement & Retention
Ex-Officio Absent: David Short, Registrar
Guests: Brian Craig, Industrial Engineering
Presiding: Michael Saar

Call to Order: 3:35 pm

Approval of Minutes: 4-15-19
  • Judy made a motion made to approve as written: Garrick seconded. Unanimously approved. Minutes approved as revisions.

B.S. Biology Degree Plan with teaching certificate

  • Needs to fill in the total hours for each component and the total hours at the bottom of the page for completion of the degree plan.
  • Judy made a motion to approve with requested revisions; Zanthia seconded the motion; motion was unanimously approved.
PSYC 2302 Psychology as a career
  • Discussed necessity of course with having an on campus career center
  • May need course for specialty certification by organizations governing such programs
  • May be content that tells the student what to expect if they pursue a degree in psychology that would need to be taught by someone who has specialty knowledge of the field.
  • Serdar made a motion to approve as written, Liv seconded the motion; approved unanimously.
INEN 4399 Special Topics
  • There was a discrepancy between the course number on the face sheet and the syllabus; numbering corrected
  • Kami made a motion to approve with the real time change; Millicent seconded; unanimously approved.
BIOL 4413 Medical Neuroscience
  • Grading for the didactic portion was clear, but the laboratory grading process needs to be clarified
  • The grading scale was based on whole numbers; question raised what happens if a student falls between the high of one grade and the low of a higher grade. Grade scale should read 90-100 and A; 80-89.9 a B; 70-79.9 a C; 60-69.9 a D; and <60 an F.
  • Kami motioned to approve with requested changes; Zanthia seconded: unanimously approved.
BIOL 4432 Tropical Terrestrial and Watershed Biology (Study Abroad)
  • Pre-requisites listed on the face sheet but are not listed in the Syllabus
  • Zanthia made the motion to approve with the requested revision; Serdar seconded; unanimously approved
BIOL 4452 Tropical Marine Biology (Study Abroad)
  • Pre-requisites listed on the face sheet but are not listed in the Syllabus
  • Barbara made the motion to approve with the requested revision; Garrick seconded; unanimously approved
MATH 4351 Combinatorics
  • No instructor information
  • Couse will not be taught till summer 2020 so faculty may not have been assigned as yet.
  • The grading scale was based on whole numbers; question raised what happens if a student falls between the high of one grade and the low of a higher grade. Grade scale should read 90-100 and A; 80-89.9 a B; 70-79.9 a C; 60-69.9 a D; and 0-59.9 an F.
  • Garrick made a motion to approve pending correction; Zanthia seconded; approved unanimously.
MATH 4371 Graph Theory
  • Same issues as found in MATH 4351
  • Serdar made a motion to approve with pending changes; Millicent seconded; unanimously approved
ELEN 3328  Quantum Mechanics for EE’s
  • Course addition that has previously been taught as a special topics course
  • Pre-requisites have been corrected and clarification given of pre-requisites and co-requisites on both the face sheet and the syllabus.
  • Course description added
  • Judy made a motion to approve the syllabus as written: Garrick seconded; unanimously approved.
BIOL 4344 Development of Biological Thought
  • Face sheet and syllabus do not match for pre and co-requisites
  • Judy made a motion to approve pending corrections; Liv seconded; unanimously approved.
INEN 3360 Computer Technology
  • No minimum grade for pre-requisites on face sheet; Brian Craig from Industrial Engineering present and corrected deficit in real time to a C.
  • Max repeat hours said one on face sheet; corrected to be zero
  • Contact hours stated 3; corrected to 45 for lecture and zero for laboratory
  • Grading scale stated above 90 for an A; 80 to less than 90 for a B, questioned what if a student got a 90 which was not covered. Needs to be restated 90 or above A; had a > 60 was an F, needs to change to < 60 is an F.
  • Pre-requisites not listed on the syllabus
  • Serdar made a motion to approve pending corrections; Garrick seconded; approved unanimously.
INEN 4378 Intro to Process Analysis
  • The grading scale was based on whole numbers; question raised what happens if a student falls between the high of one grade and the low of a higher grade. Grade scale should read 90-100 and A; 80-89.9 a B; 70-79.9 a C; 60-69.9 a D; and 0-59.9 an F.
  • Millicent made a motion to approve with pending changes; Garrick seconded; unanimously approved
COMM 1321 Business and Prof Speech
  • Course re-done to open it up to others besides communication majors
  • Under Assignment and Grading Scale: There was a bullet for Interview presentation and immediately below it there was another bullet that just said points; needs to remove bullet and add 200 in front of the word points to match all other grades a listed before and after.
  • Serdar made a motion to approve the syllabus with requested change: Barbara seconded; unanimously approved.
COMM List of Courses that need to be approved
  • Minimum grade for all courses need clarification-Some say a C or better is required while others say a D or better is OK. Need to know departmental policy for what is and is not acceptable to have a minimum of a C or a D.
  • Department has fixed pre-requisite issues previously identified.
  • Judy motioned to return the listing to the department for clarifications, use of proper face sheets and a complete syllabus for committee review; Barbara seconded; approved unanimously.


  • Michael reminded the membership that the term of office for the committee runs through the end of the summer. Will try to review the COMM syllabi by electronic vote this summer or may need to meet this summer.
  • Next meeting tentatively scheduled for Monday June 17, 2019 at 3:30 pm in Room 202 of the Reaud Building.
  • Motion to Adjourn at 4:35 pm by Serdar; Seconded by Barbara and was unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted:

Dr. Judy Smith, Secretary University Undergraduate Committee.