
December 6, 2021

Monday, 12/06/2021
Reaud 202 and Virtual via Teams
Submitted By:
Aida Tucker

University Undergraduate Curriculum Council Meeting   

Date: December 6, 2021  

Time: 3:30 p.m.  

Place: Reaud 202 & Virtual via Teams  

UUCC Minutes 12-06-2021   

Attending: Penny Clark—Library Services, Ashwini Kucknoor—Arts and Sciences, Stefan Andrei—CID rep, Garrick (Brad) Harden—Arts and Sciences, Donna S. Azodi-- Education and Human Development, Tracy Benson—Engineering, Connie S. Ruiz—Education and Human Development, , Jimmy Bryan—Arts and Sciences, Randy Yoder—Arts and Sciences, Ricardo Salvador Tovar-Silos - Business,Melissa Riley-Faculty Senate,Alberto Marquez – EngineeringJamie H. Azios—Fine Arts and Communication O’Brien Stanley-Fine Arts & Communication Tim Dueppen-Fine Arts & Communication 

Absent:   Cynthia Cummings—Education and Human Development, Sara Pace Hillin—Arts and Sciences, LeAnn Chisholm-Arts and Sciences, Tiffany Tran – SGA Representative, Qin Qian--Engineering  

Ex-Officio: Dann Brown – Associate Provost, David Short—Registrar, James Nelson—Arts and Sciences CC Chair 

Ex-Officio Absent:  Theresa Hefner-Babb—SACSCOC Liaison, Kurt Dyrhaug—Fine Arts and Communication CC Chair, Liv Haselbach—Engineering CC Chair, Toni Mulvaney—Business CC Chair, Belinda Lopez - E & HD, CC Chair, Kayla Holloway—UAC  

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Lasher Tucker   

Guests: None  

Via Proxy: Donna Azodi for Cynthia Cummings  

Presiding: Garrick Harden    

Call to Order: 3:30     

Approval of Minutes: Donna Azodi moved the minutes of the November 15, 2021 be approved, O’Brien Stanley seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.    

Curriculum Reviewed:  

GEOL 4303 ADDITION – Tabled at the November 15, 2021 meeting 

This course addition is to move a course from the junior to senior level. The same course will be offered at the graduate level. Concerns were expressed previously as to whether the course was rigorous enough to be offered at the senior level and whether the graduate course was different enough from the undergraduate course to justify graduate credit. Today, additional information satisfied the committee’s concerns. However, it was pointed out that the course description was not on the syllabus and the objectives were identical to the description. Dann Brown offered to work with the Department to reorganize/revise the document before it is presented to the Board of Regents.  

Motion to approve course addition was proposed by Tracy Benson , seconded by Donna Azodi. The motion passed.     

Motion to adjourn was made by Tracy Benson, seconded by Penny Clark. 

Meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m. 

Next Meeting: February 21, 2022  

Respectfully submitted, 

Connie Swenson Ruiz, College of Education and Human Development