
October 21, 2024

Tuesday, 07/23/2024
Reaud room 202
Submitted By:
Shelly Traxler


Committee Minutes 10-21-2024

Wayne A. Reaud Building Room 202             

Attending: Chair, Gerrick Harden, Ashwini Kucknoor, (A&S); Adam Nemmers (A&S), Sujing Wang (A&S), John Gossage (Eng); Jane Liu (Faculty Senate); Elizabeth Casey (CID rep); Sanaz Alasti (CJ), Zanthia Smith (DSDE), , Komal Karani (Business), James Curry (Ind Eng),Lucy Tsado (CJ)


Via Proxy: No records

Ex-Officio Attending:  Samuel Jator, Associate Provost; Theresa Hefner-Babb, Exec. Dir., Jessica White (Records),J ulia Yoo (Education), Ricardo Tovas-Silos (Business)

Ex-Officio Absent: Bryan Proksch, Julia Yoo, Dawn Short (UAC), David Short (Registrar),

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Shelly Traxler

Guests: Donald Warren

Presiding: Garrick (Brad) Harden

Call to Order: 3:35 pm

Approval of Minutes:

  • N/A

Business:  Meeting was called to order at 3.30 pm.

  • Brad discusses the bylaws and term limits for the UUCC members and officer roles. Heffner-Babb mentioned that details about the elections are in the UUCC bylaws. Adam Nemmers proposed to have one year limit, and they could choose to continue.
  • Sujing wand said that in section 2.3 of the bylaws, it states that “elect officers each year in the fall meeting”. Heffner-Babb pointed out that other schools have staggered dates, and some have indefinite terms.
  • Comments were made that frequent turnover of officers and members would affect the continuity, to which Heffner-Babb said that she and David Short ensure that everything will be done right.
  • Due to not people present today to vote on the by-laws, this issue was tabled.
  • Attendance of committee members was discussed, and Brad motioned to table the matter of members on the committee, Adam seconded, the motion was passed unanimously.
  • Brad said that he would send out an email to the members to volunteer to be on the policy sub-committees shortly.


  • BS, Accounting Cirricular changes:

Ricardo introduced Don Warren, who explained the proposal, and said that requested changes are addressing to include data analytics for accounting, to better suit CPA exam, to help students be better prepared for the exam, and increased three credit hours, and the total credit hours is 120.

  • Jessica raised issues of credit hours not adding up and mentioned that core courses were shared as credits for field of study (42 hrs) and (9hrs) (refer to the proposal).
  • After discussion, Brad suggested that it can be approved with a caveat
  • Sujing said she is not comfortable with that, and recommends more discussion before we approve
  • Don Warren said that it is time sensitive
  • Heffner-Babb confirmed that it can be tabled until the confusion if clarified and so could be tabled today.
  • Adam proposed a motion to be tabled for now, Sujing seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


  • BS IT

Change of 45 credits to 36 credit hours. Replace 9 hrs of upper-level courses to 9 hrs of unrestricted courses, to enable students to transfer easily from community colleges. Several schools like Blinn College refused to sign agreements with LU, so this change would accommodate such transfers.

Gossage moved the motion to accept the proposal, Zanthia Smith seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Once again, attendance was discussed, and it was suggested that the student representative should be moved to ex-officio category.

Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn at 4.38 pm by Sujing; Seconded by Gossage and was unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted:

Ashwini Kucknoor, Biology