
Charge and By-laws


The purpose of the University Curriculum Councils is to advise the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs on all university curricula and programs. They are authorized to review proposed changes in undergraduate and graduate programs, curricula, policies, and procedures and make appropriate recommendations.

Bylaws of the University Undergraduate Curriculum Council

A Member of the Texas State University System

The University Undergraduate Curriculum Council is the sounding board and review mechanism for all substantive undergraduate curriculum matters.

Article I. Name, Purpose, and History

1.1. Name. The name of this body is the University Undergraduate Curriculum Council.

1.2. Purpose. The purpose of the University Undergraduate Curriculum Council is to advise the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs on all undergraduate curriculum and programs. It is authorized to review proposed changes in undergraduate programs, curriculum, policies, and procedures and make appropriate recommendations.

1.3. History. The University Undergraduate Curriculum Council was reconstituted by a joint committee of the Faculty Senate and the Academic Council of Deans. It was originally named the University Curriculum Council but was renamed the University Undergraduate Curriculum Council to more accurately represent its true function. The UUCC parallels the Graduate Curriculum Committee.

All bodies that have undergraduate curriculum oversight are subordinate to the UUCC. All substantive curriculum matters come before the UUCC through proper channels. In addition the review and monitoring of the core curriculum, general University degree requirements, course overlap and oversight are the purview of the UUCC. All new programs or major changes in existing programs are reviewed by the UUCC.

Article II. Membership

2.1. Membership Guidelines. There are 3 types of membership: elected, appointed, and ex officio. 

2.1.1. Elected Members. Each college, Developmental Studies, and the Library shall have one representative per 25 full-time faculties (rounded up with a cap of six). All faculty positions are elected by and from the full-time faculty within the college. All members must hold tenure and the rank of assistant professor or higher. Election to serve is for three academic years, and terms are staggered to insure continuity. The spring semester faculty roster determines the composition for the next academic year.

2.1.2. Appointed Members. The Faculty Senate, the Council of Instructional Departments (CID), and the Student Government Association (SGA) each appoint one representative annually.

2.1.3. Ex Officio Members. The Senior Associate Provost (SAP), the University Registrar, and SACS Liaison serve as ex officio members.

2.2. Current Membership. Membership of the UUCC presently consists of 22 total voting members.

Arts and Sciences 6 members
Business 2 members
Education & Human Development 3 members
Engineering 3 members
Fine Arts & Communication 3 members
Library 1 member
Developmental Studies 1 member
Faculty Senate 1 member
CID 1 member
SGA 1 member
Registrar Ex Officio
SAP Ex Officio
SACS Ex Officio


2.3. Officers. Council Members elect the chair, the chair-elect, and the secretary from the voting members in the fall semester.

Article III. Meetings

3.1. Regular Meetings. The UUCC shall hold a regular meeting during the third Monday of each month all year, or, if the University is not in session, the Council shall hold its regular meeting during the following week the University is in session.

3.2. Quorum. A quorum of the UUCC shall consist of one-half of the membership during fall or spring terms, or one-third during the summer term. A quorum is necessary to open business, but a lesser number may adjourn.

3.3. Statement of Representation. Any voting member of the UUCC unable to attend a meeting may designate in a signed statement a representative and present the form to the Secretary before the meeting. The Secretary shall ensure that all representatives meet UUCC eligibility requirements. (For Statement of Representation form, see Appendix A.)


Article IV. Standing Committees

4.1. Subcommittees. There are three standing subcommittees: Curriculum Proposals, Curriculum Council Policies and Bylaws, and Core Curriculum Assessment. Each member shall be appointed annually by the UUCC chair to serve on one of the standing subcommittees.


Article V. Submission Procedures

5.1. Procedures.

  1. Department faculty initiates curriculum proposal.
  2. Department chair approves proposal and forwards to College Curriculum Committee.
  3. College Curriculum Committee approves proposal and forwards to Dean of College.
  4. Dean of College approves proposal and submits to Senior Associate Provost (SAP) by the first Monday of the month.
  5. SAP reviews proposal and forwards to University Undergraduate Curriculum Council (UUCC) Chair by second Monday of the month.
  6. At the UUCC meeting on the third Monday of the month, the UUCC Chair presents the proposal to the full Council. The UUCC makes the recommendation to approve or disapprove the proposal or refers it to either the Curriculum Proposals subcommittee or the Core Curriculum subcommittee. If it refers to the subcommittee then the subcommittee will make recommendations to the full UUCC at the next UUCC monthly meeting.
  7. The UUCC Chair will follow-through with the recommendation:
    1. If not approved, UUCC Chair forwards the proposal back to Dean of College with explanation.
    2. If approved, UUCC Chair forwards the signed documents to SAP.
  8. SAP forwards approved documentation to Provost /VPAA.
  9. Provost /VPAA makes recommendation and forwards documentation to appropriate entity.
Statement of Representation